Volkswagen unveiled ID BUZZ in Detroit

Volkswagen unveiled ID BUZZ in Detroit
09:10, Сентябрь 12, 2023 Herbert Dees, Chairman of the Board of Directors: "The ID family will be available to millions of drivers." - New ID BUZZ prototype offers range up to 600 km and 8 seats - Zero emissions, four wheel drive, electric motor, bike space and snowboard In Detroit, Volkswagen ( introduced another ID model from the era of electromobility: ID BUZZ. It takes place at the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS). The ID BUZZ is a minivan developed on the MEB brand's electric drive platform and represents a new understanding of the mobility of the future. As the brand's new message says: "We make the future real." Herbert Dees, Chairman of the Board of Directors, explains: “ID BUZZ is the model of the new Volkswagen: modern, positive, emotional, with a strong focus on the future. Our plan is to sell one million electric vehicles per year by 2025 and gradually build Volkswagen into an electric vehicle brand. The new e-Golf ( already offers a 50% increase in mileage, and in 2020 we are launching the ID family of models, a new generation of electric cars with full digital connectivity. They will be available to millions of people around the world, not just people who have millions in their bank accounts.” Live in Detroit, ID BUZZ showcases the richness of tomorrow's EV capabilities - all-wheel drive, spacious coupe, front and rear electric motors, next-generation control indicators and fully automated driving mode (ID Pilot). “ID BUZZ is the next vehicle type based on a new platform, the Modular Electric Drive Kit (MEB), providing comfort and extra large space for passengers and cargo on the road. Electric mileage on a single charge is up to 600 km, emphasizes Dr. Frank Welsh, Member of the Board of Directors of Volkswagen Development. The new model can also be charged inductively - in 30 minutes with a charging power of 150 kW, 80% of the battery will be charged. The ID BUZZ is a natural continuation of the ID model, presented in Paris in October 2016, a compact model, the first on the MEB platform, which will hit the market in 2020 and will again offer a range of up to 600 km, and then fully autonomous driving for several years (2025). In ID BUZZ, even the driver's seat can be rotated backwards towards the passengers (offline). Laser scanners, ultrasonic sensors, radars and cameras scan the space, and information about the surrounding traffic is sent to the Internet in real time. The conventional cabin no longer exists in the MPV model of the future. The driver receives all the information on the Head-Up Display (augmented reality) - in 3D and virtual format. Functions are controlled via a tablet or touchpad on the steering wheel, turning it into a multifunction control device. Space is uniquely optimized with the larger MEB XL platform: 4942mm long, 1976mm wide and 1963mm high, making it the most comfortable and spacious model in its class. The wheelbase is 3300 mm. The battery is located on the floor, which lowers the center of gravity and ensures optimal weight distribution. The ID BUZZ is expected to have electronically adjustable dampers for excellent comfort. The engine has an output of 275 kW / 374 horsepower (two electric motors front and rear, each 150 kW), which ensures the unique dynamics of the model. The version unveiled at the Detroit Auto Show reaches 100 km/h in 5 seconds; its top speed is limited to 160 km/h. - instructions for repairing the third generation Volkswagen Golf....
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